Home / Personal Travel Safety in New Zealand

The Emergency Number for Fire, Ambulance and Police is 111

All 111 emergency calls are free.

The number for Police non-emergencies is 105

*555 (mobile phones only) is the number for urgent but not life-threatening traffic matters

These are things that don't require an emergency Police response, such as continuous poor driving, traffic congestion, breakdowns and obstructions on the highway.

For more personal safety advice, visit the NZ Police website or chat with your local isite

TNZ22373 Piha Auckland Auckland Sam Mahayni

New Zealand Police work with the community to make New Zealanders and our visitors be safe and feel safe. They're around the country to help, with police stations in all main towns and cities and in many rural areas.

Visit the New Zealand Police Website

"Their calm delivery of helpful information was just what we needed, so far from home."
- Anne Hill
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